
Dry Water Marble Nails

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with you, I'm excited to share today's post! Anyone ever get completely stuck trying to figure out what they should do with a set of 10 blank canvases or (5 if your'e like me sometimes getting lazy and photographing one hand for the sake of just sharing and then on to the next look)? This was me 100% then I finally decided the other day to try out for the first time 'Dry Water Marble' nails, and the results I think were pretty good for someone who doesn't quite do nail art as much lol! I was originally going to try Marble nails and some how ended up with something entirely different as you can see. I could not achieve such an awesome effect without 3 shades. 2 brands I adore and one of my very own first frankens ever made with the one and only (Unicorn Pigment). Lets firstly talk about this franken of mine. ^^

The franken is nothing other than the Gold/Green (unicorn pigment) mixed in a clear base with Black pigment, resulting in a dark (around the edges of the bottle) yet vibrant effect. It reminds me a lot of oil spill colors that you would see on the ground or something toxic really, something you definitely shouldn't drink haha! And the darkness in the center that looks like a crack is actually the pigments meeting in the middle as you turn the bottle. Strangely I decided to show this shot even though its a bit weird cause I thought it looked cool!

There is no one shade that steals the show, each shade used all comes together and creates such an art. The base color I used was the beautiful 'Lady Killer' by Il était un vernis , and Colors by Llarowe 'Final Fantasy' a stunning metal grey silver holo with a pinkish red to yellow shimmer. You can see in the macro photo below just how they all tie in to finish the look as a team hehe. 

I feel like because all the shades I used were holographic finishes, a magical starry effect came to life once I applied a glossy top coat. The shifts were endless especially at different views and angles **.

Looking straight on at the nails you can see that the color was an olive green color before shifting, which is still not the actual main color. The main color is actually a coppery gold burnt orange shimmer but the green is so powerful that even the slightest turn of the nail will come out looking more green than copper, gold, or orange. The science behind pigment just fascinates and I have no answer as to how they do this. I can say that if it isn't obvious to you by now my addiction for shifting things is even bigger than my love for holographic polishes. This is exactly why I can never collect to many of this type of finish >_<. 

As you start to look at photos coming up, you will start to see the shift even better! It's all just so extraordinary, especially how each nail looks completely different than its neighbors haha! A very neon electric green starts to reveal itself on the sides <3

What do you think of how these turned out? What color combo would you do? Or would you prefer something less shifty? I'd love to know so leave a comment below!

Does anyone else see a preying mantis face or bat with wings in the photo above? I love trying to find things in photos like this haha! Plus they just look amazing with awesome shades...

Having an amazing rest of the week and I'll see you in the next post! 

- Ressa

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