
Cadillacquer's Eat The Rude Collection Part. 2 Meet the Holos!

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Hi Lovlies! Im back and yes it has been a while haha! Sometimes life hits you with unexpected surprises, I'm sure most of you know how that can be. None the less I've finally got part 2 of Eat The Rude Collection done, yes that means the HOLOSSSSSSS! Are you ready? I used 2 coats for of the photos that you see plus a gloss topcoat unless stated other wise! All photos were taken in Natural Light along with a bit of sun to make the holographic effect come to life. Lets Go!

First up we have 'Imago', a beautiful red holographic shade filled with what seems to be a gold shimmer (maybe) plus little gold micro flecks. It is going to be super hard to describe most of these because there is so much microscopic fleck shimmer goodness in just about every bottle! Just take my word for it, they are all Gorgeous! Imago had a super easy effortless formula that went on the nail like butter, I am in love with how easy all of Madeleine polishes are to work with especially when trying to work fast before all daylight is gone! 

This red isn't crazy like all the other red holos that you run into, but somehow the way the flecks and shimmer mix in along with the obvious (it being holographic) it just worked for me! I love it! 

This beautiful dark grape purple holographic shade is called ' My End And My Beginning'. It is filled with flecks that you can catch in soft light that shift from what looks like purple or pink to gold! Such a beauty with effortless formula. If you love purple and you love holographic nail polish you will need this one added to your collection ;).

You can definitely see the little flecks here! 

Delicate soft holographic shade 'Memory Place' is quite unique. This one was more on the creamier side with a soft holographic effect. There are literally two sides to this polish, one being the soft cream side that can look a soft light (really light) blue hue or a soft light grey depending on what kelvin temperature lights he is under. Plus the stunning gold flecks! Then there is the holographic side that comes to life, I captured more of a greyish hue since my photos were lit by the sun more around noonish so red vibes hitting this color made everything warmer looking shade wise. I believe I used 3 thin coats for this one plus gloss.

There is something Regal about this shade that I love, the color combination with the gold flecks must be it! <3

This weird but beautiful shade is called 'Winston', he's a bit strange no? I love 'weird' lol, and Winston has all the qualities that make you question how? what is it? what do you call this color? He is like a taupe maybe brownish greyish hue even seeming a light chocolate I dont know I give up. But thats not all there is to him, he also has greenish blue flecks that shift to pinkish purple. Most of all he's holographic! See what I mean about each shade having so much going on in the bottle? Yet being so beautiful!

I feel like im lying because Winston can't decide what color his flecks want to be, you can even see a greenish blue shift here! >_<  
To me polishes that can't make up their mind on what color they want to be because they shift between several colors ARE THE BEST KIND! <3

I'm loving the name of this one called 'Wolf Trap' and this color is just GORGEOUS! It's like a dark forest mossy green holographic shade with green flecks throughout the bottle. It's a little hard for me to see if the green flecks shift colors, they may but my eyes could be playing tricks on me lol! Effortless formula yet again on this one and also maybe somewhat jelly too! <3

No words.......<3

'This Is My Design' is another one of those shades that lean which ever way it wants depending on the color temperature bulbs you use or the time of day you decide to wear him whether it is early in the day or when the sun is at its hottest warmest state. I won't even try to describe whether he is teal or blue or what lol, just know he is a beauty! He is filled with blue flecks and maybe even pink flecks that look like they shift a bit. Smooth formula on this one too! No surprise to you all by now :)

So pretty when the sun hits and the holographic effect takes over!

Saving my absolute favorite one for last is 'Ravenstag', a dark holographic black shade with what look like mostly gold and random blue flecks filled throughout the bottle. I think I love this shade the most, because in soft light he is stunning showing off his gorgeous flecks of gold and blue. 

BUT, when the sun hits him he is unstoppable! Even the flecks are still visible and not overpowered by the holographic finish! 

Even a bit of purple shift is visible if you look closely! Just ....... perfect! Don't you agree?

That's it for the Holos of this collection! What did you think? Which shades are your favorite? There was literally something in here for everyone to love!

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